Teeth whitening
One simple and minimally invasive way to get brighter teeth is to whiten them.
Before bleaching your teeth, it’s important to undergo an examination to rule out any cavities that need filling or bleeding gums. These issues should be addressed before bleaching to avoid worsening the damage.
We recommend using individually fitted soft plastic trays that you can take home to bleach your teeth. In the trays, you apply the Opalescence or Whitness Perfect bleaching gel yourself, which contains a gentle and non-invasive carbamide peroxide that yields a long-lasting and satisfying outcome with minimal side effects.
Things to consider before teeth whitening
Does enamel work for whitening? Things such as exposed tooth roots, fillings, and crowns/bridges cannot be whitened. If you’re undergoing a major treatment with veneers/crowns/bridges/implants, it’s wise to consider whether you also want to have brighter teeth because you should start with that before the constructions are completed.